Thursday, November 4, 2010

Finally someone with brains!

I have been talking about this for a few years now, I planned on mentioning it in a previous blog, but I am not sure if I did or not.  You see, I am usually sideways drunk when writing this blog, so I sometimes forget things.

Anyway, Florida Panthers GM Dave Tallon is planning to submit an idea at the GM meeting in Toronto this coming Tuesday that would allow coaches to challenge a call, a la the NFL.  I for one think this is a great idea, and not only because I have been saying the same thing for years, but because it makes a lot of sense.

Mr Tallon has some pretty strict criteria that would be part of this proposal.  I have copy/pasted the details from a article that I will add a link to at the bottom of this blog.

> Applies only to goal-related plays
> Challenge must be issued within prescribed time limit
> Team must have timeout left to issue challenge
> Unsuccessful challenge results in loss of timeout
> Successful challenge results in no loss of timeout
> One challenge per team per game

Sounds reasonable.  Tallon says he decided to send the proposal to  NHL Senior VP and Director of Hockey Operations Colin Cambell after the game winning goal scored by Toronto's Colton Orr in a game against Florida earlier this season was clearly goaltender interference.  Even I agreed that goal was a bad call.

Being such a great idea, I am willing to bet $5 it never happens.  Why do I think this? Simple, like I said, it is a great idea, and great ideas and the NHL rarely go together.  Only stupid things like the trapezoid behind the net, the shoot out, and the enforcer rule, which by they way is responsible for all the head shots and other nastiness the NHL wants out of the game simply because players have no fear of on ice repercussions for their actions anymore, and don't even get me stated on some of the stupid things they were trying out in the pre-season, but I digress.

I hope the powers that be see the logic in this proposal, but I have my doubts.

Here is the link to the article...
Ignore the people with ADD in the comment section complaining that this will slow down the game.  These people clearly can't see that this will not happen every game, and probably wont happen all that often.  But some people would rather bad calls than wait a few extra minutes to get the right call.  And it will be these same assholes that cry when their team is out of the playoffs by 2 points that they could have gotten if this rule was in place and a lost game was actually a win for them.  Every point counts at the end of  an 82 game season.  God the internet makes me want to slap people.

On a side note, anyone see Crosby drop the gloves last night?   How I would love to see him and Ovie go at it.  It would be like Ali vs Foreman, but you know, before George started selling grills.  Think of the T-shirt and DVD sales the NHL would make off that shit?  Get Don King on that shit ASAP!

Anyways, that is all for now
Until next time...
Stay Angry!!

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