Friday, November 12, 2010

With Friends Like These...

I seen this coming, but then again, I am sure most people with half a brain seen it coming too.  Being a Toronto Maple Leaf fan is not easy, but what makes it a lot harder then lackluster teams is the fans and the media, both of which I am convinced are legally retarded.

Today the Leafs announced that they have called up prospects Nazem Kadri and Keith Aulie.  A move to help spark the struggling offense.  The amount of negative outcry form this move is simply mind boggling.  Before the season started, everyone in Leaf's Nation was lining up to blow this kid to completion, he was the second coming of #99.  Then the preseason started and he did not play well, so after wiping the DNA from their chins, they demanded this kid be sent to the minors for some seasoning.  When the team began to falter a few weeks back, these same talking heads on TV, the idiot sports writers, and the even more dumb comment whores all flip flopped once again and cried for the Leafs to call up their saviour, and now that it has happened, these fucktards are still complaining.

"It's too soon"  "This reeks of desperation"  "Burke is not following the plan" and on and on.  There are the types of things people are saying today.  People are never happy, and Mr Burke can not win no matter what he does in this market of morons.

As I stated during the 4-0-1 start to the season, the same imbeciles that were planning the parade route after the first 5 games, are now calling for heads to roll, namely head coach Ron Wilson, among others.  Dion Phanuf was everyone's favorite player during that time, was then booed after a few losses.  "Oh, he is terrible, why did we trade for that guy?"  Well now that he is hurt and not playing, no one seems to notice how big his contribution really was.  That shows you that most Leaf fans don't actually know anything about the sport they claim to love so much.  Most of these assholes look at the box scores and stats and nothing else.  They don't see the little things that go into making a team play well night in and night out.

In fact, during this skid, the team has been playing well for the most part. There has been a few stinkers, and some boneheaded plays, but over all the team is playing well, and should have picked up a few wins along the way.

I was planning on posting this past Tuesday about the GM meeting and them shooting down all the good ideas, but ended up going out and not having the time.  I went to my favorite pub to watch the game with a few friends, and this proved my point about most  fans being clueless.  I said before the game started that the Leafs would not be able to beat the Lightning, which as a fan with brains, was an easy prediction. One of my friends that was with me knows absolutely nothing about hockey, even though he watches a lot of games.  He was maybe pretending to know something by stating what players were terrible, and what ones were good.  he was nauseatingly wrong on everything that came out of his mouth.   [He wanted me to give him a shout out in my next blog, but after reading this, I think he will be happy I didn't use his name]

There was some random Joe sitting at the bar that seemed to agree and parrot these same notions.  Clearly both these geniuses have gained everything they know from reading other clueless comment whores on the internet.  As the game spiraled out of control, they seemed confident in their astuteness.  "Giggy is the worst goalie we have ever had" came out the random Joe's mouth after Stamkos one-timed a slap pass into the back of the net.  I am sorry, Patrick Roy on his best day was not stopping that shot.

Clearly this expert can't remember yesterday, let alone last season.  Vessa Toskala ring any bells? How about Andrew Raycroft?  Bunny Larocque anyone?

It is shit like this that pisses me off about Leaf fans.  Then there is everyone harping on Dion, Komisarek, and so one for defensive lapses, yet no one seems to notice Francois Beauchemin is a turnover machine.  What about the forwards not doing the job?  Again, its expertise like this that is rampant in Toronto.  No wonder everyone hates leaf fans so much.  Leafs problem is scoring, and that is about all that is wrong.  It's hard to win without getting goals, and it didn't take a genius to see that was going to be a problem before the season started.

Another thing is, during the first 5 games of this season, when Kessel was scoring like a madman, people seemed to forget about the trade that brought him here.  Now, like clockwork, the team is losing, and once again the Kessel deal is the reason for it all.  Fuck, get over it people.  Seguin probably got lucky that he was not drafted by the Leafs.  The fans and media would have crushed him too, like they have done to every other prospect he have had here in years, minus Luke Schenn, who seems to have muscled his way through the bullshit, even with his bad start last season.

I feel bad for Kadri, much like Burke, he is going to have a rough ride no matter how things play out.  Build 'em up, and knock 'em down.  That seems to be the way things are in Leafs Land.

How do the Leafs fix things?  I am not sure.  Burke has stated a million times that he was not done adding pieces to the line up.  That is not as easy to do these days in the new NHL as it was in the pre salary cap days. And honestly, what players really want to come to a team who's fans and media are so schizophrenic?

A coaching change could help.  Wilson is the only coach in Leaf history to go two years with out making the playoffs and still kept his job.  Also, 80% of teams that changed coaches mid season in the last 2 years have went on win a ton of games.  Lets not forget the Penguins who were out of the playoffs near the end of the season when they changed coaches, and went on to win the cup that year.  I am not saying that is the only solution, but it is a solid option.

In the end, the bi-polar fan and media response is not helping things one bit, and in fact I believe is part of the problem.  The team makes knee-jerk reactions to appease these fucktard fans, and in the process of trying to make them happy only seem to raise their ire even more.

Anyways, that is all for now...

Until next time

Stay Angry!!

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